GuRL 6

Thursday, August 21, 2008

GuRL 6 @ Hair Fair 2008

Hair Fair came a little too quickly for me this year so it was a race to the last minute to have my booth set up in time but happy to say I was able to present a display for the 2008 Hair Fair. I'd also like to take this time to thank Paisley Poindexter, Sasy Scarborough and the dozens of other lovelies that made this year's hair fair not only possible.. but what appears to be the best one yet!
I did not have a hand in any of the organizational aspects of the Fair this year , but could not be happier at the fabulous job that was done with it!
The GuRL 6 booth is here on the orange sim, but you can try demo's on OnRez here if you'd like ! Some of the styles available in include 2 discount everything packs, a version 3 of the Rocky Hairstyle and more. Brand new hairstyle "Cutesie" is available in this year's goodie bag along with 2 other freebie hairs.

Hope you all have a fantastic time at the fair and happy shopping!


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